Poverty Quotes in The Scorpio Races

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

This will only buy [Dove] a week's worth of better feed, and use up all of our money. (23.10)

Once again, Puck faces a serious monetary decision: Use the family's savings for horse food, or try to go without. Maybe Finn sells his car just to keep Puck from filching the rest of their savings.

Quote #8

"Principle won't pay the bills." (24.40)

Money makes people do things they don't want to do. In Puck's case, she considers riding on the same type of horse that killed her parents. If she weren't so desperate for money, she'd never even entertain that thought for a second.

Quote #9

"Two hundred." This is dear, but doable. Only just. Only if I can count this year's unwon purse as part of my savings. (43.58)

Benjamin Malvern is pretty unscrupulous. He takes advantage of both Puck and Sean's relatively poverty to get what he wants. He'd have a great job as a banker if the horse breeding business goes bust.