Poverty Quotes in The Scorpio Races

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I am here to evict you." (16.46)

Money is a major motivating factor for Puck—not because she wants to be rich, but because she needs it as a simple fact of life. She literally has to pay for the roof over her head.

Quote #5

"I'm not a generous person, Kate Connolly." (16.68)

If Benjamin Malvern ever has to go to the mainland, he'll have a good job as a banking executive. But he is entitled to collect his debts, right? Does he have to be such a jerk about it?

Quote #6

"What do you think [...] about selling the Morris?" (19.3)

Puck is asking her brother to make a serious sacrifice here, without a guaranteed pay off. She's asking him to sell his car and use the money for horse feed. If this book was called The Morris Races, do you think Puck would sell Dove to buy better gas for Finn's car?