Versions of Reality Quotes in The Scorch Trials

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Teresa's brief visit to his mind seemed like a dream now. He could almost believe it had never happened. (43.8)

Part of the reason Thomas has a slightly better grip on reality than others do is that he has telepathic abilities, something his Glader friends don't have. Does this give him a leg up? Maybe. Or maybe it just distorts his sense even more.

Quote #8

He thought a lot about his dreams he'd been having, but still couldn't put enough together to truly understand what was going on. (49.3)

Thomas dreams all the time, but he still has trouble piecing all of those dreams together. His mind, his identity, and his reality are all a big, jumbled mess.

Quote #9

"WICKED is good." (65.39)

These are Teresa's final words in The Scorch Trials. It's hard to believe that WICKED is good, given all of the suffering the kids go through, but maybe WICKED truly is good, and that's just the harsh reality.