Versions of Reality Quotes in The Scorch Trials

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

He couldn't help thinking of his dream and the brief glimpse he'd seen of [his mom], but did his best to forget it—it was too depressing. (29.42)

Repressing the past is something Thomas does so that he can focus on the present. Well, that's well and good, but as we know, the present in this novel isn't real. Hmm. There's a dilemma.

Quote #5

His mind drifted into a half-daze, thinking about the Maze and his splotchy memories and Teresa. Mostly about Teresa. (31.14)

Daydreaming: a favorite pastime of teenagers. How is Thomas's daydreaming different from his dreaming at night? Is it different?

Quote #6

"What if I see his nasty face every night when I go to sleep? What if he's in my dreams?" (34.32)

Thomas is afraid of having nightmares about Mr. Nose. But what's worse? A nightmare that isn't real, or the very real nightmare Thomas is actually living?