Family Quotes in The Other Boleyn Girl

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Families should not quarrel. There has been an alliance between Spain and England for as long as I can remember. It's all wrong when we are divided." (16.16)

Family issues aren't confined to trashy power-hungry families like the Boleyns and Howards. They apply to royal families, too. (How do you think most of them got to be royal families? It sure wasn't divine right.) In their world, the family is only as strong as its political alliances.

Quote #8

"I think you will find that your boy is still your little boy whether he is in breeches or short clothes," he said gently. "I loved my mother till the day she died, God bless her, and I was always her little boy—however big and disagreeable I became." (27.45)

Mary sees William Stafford as a sensitive man after he gives a speech like this. A man who loves his mother can't be bad, can he?

Quote #9

She was risking everything to see her daughter. (30.54)

Mary sympathizes with Katherine of Aragon most when she realizes that, like Mary herself, Katherine will do anything to see her children. Mary draws inspiration from Katherine later on.