Purple may be considered the royal color, but the most common color in the court of Henry VIII is green…because everyone is green with envy.
Either that, or it's the British food that has been sitting out way too long.
You'd think the queen would be the subject of envy, but Anne Boleyn wants more. In fact, there's no end to what Anne covets throughout The Other Boleyn Girl. Even as queen, there are things that others have which she wants—things like love, happiness, and a husband who isn't an overgrown manchild. Like Anne's ambition and determination, her jealousy knows no bounds.
Questions About Jealousy
- What aspect of Mary's life is Anne most jealous of? How does Anne handle her own jealousy?
- Is the level of jealousy between Mary and Anne typical of sisters? Or do they take it too far?
- Jealousy is sometimes thought of as a female emotion, but which male characters experience jealousy in this book? What are they jealous of?