Fear Quotes in The Ocean at the End of the Lane

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

I have never been as frightened as I was in that grass circle with the dead tree in the center, on that afternoon. No birds sang, no insects hummed or buzzed. Nothing changed. I heard the rustle of the leaves and the sigh of the grass as the wind passed over it, but Lettie Hempstock was not there, and I heard no voices in the breeze. There was nothing to scare me but shadows, and the shadows were not even properly visible when I looked at them directly. (12.2)

Ugh, being afraid of shadows is the absolute worst. It's like when you watch a really scary movie, and then you have to go to bed and turn the lights out—the things that you imagine while laying there in the dark are ten times scarier than the images you might've seen on television. So even though you know nothing is in your room, your mind continues to produce terrifying scenarios, and you lay there as the paranoia mounts until you give up and sleep with the dang lights on.