Justice and Judgment Quotes in The Maze Runner

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Thomas couldn't imagine going out that way, but based on Ben's last moments, psychotically thrashing and spitting and screaming, he no longer doubted the importance of the Glade rule that no one should enter the Maze except Runners, and then only during the day. (15.3)

And yet, merely one chapter later, he goes ahead and throws that rule out the window.

Quote #8

"Reason we're here is because almost every lovin' kid in the Glade has come up to me in the last day or two either boohooing about Thomas or beggin' to take his bloody hand in marriage. We need to decide what we're gonna do with him." (24.10)

When the townsfolk start demanding justice, you know you're in trouble—it's only a matter of time before you're facing pitchforks and angry mobs.

Quote #9

"Here's my recommendation," Newt said. "You broke our bloody Number One Rule, so you get one day in the Slammer. That's your punishment. I also recommend we elect you as a Runner, effective the second this meeting's over." (26.26)

Well at least he got his due process. But Alby specifically said earlier that if you break that rule you get "banished, no questions" (9.11), so things have definitely changed in the Glade.