The Maze Runner Chapter 15 Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • Thomas has another sleepless night, feeling bad for Ben and thinking about his banishment.
  • In the morning, Newt wakes him up, this time for training in the farm with the "Track-hoes."
  • Thomas tells Newt to stop calling him "Greenie," as technically Snow White (she still doesn't have a name, so let's just stick with that one for now) is the latest arrival.
  • Newt is impressed by his cojones, so he agrees to answer a few questions about the Runners. They are the best of the best, and typically boys who have been in the Glade the longest. They need to be able to withstand incredible stress and pass physical endurance trials, in addition to being capable of keeping a virtual map of the Maze in their heads at all times. Newt used to be a Runner until an injury to his ankle stopped him, but he doesn't miss it at all.
  • Thomas confesses that he wants to be a Runner. Newt thinks he's ridiculous and overstepping his bounds, but they make a pact that if Thomas keeps his wish to be a Runner secret, Newt will place him on a list of potential trainees once he thinks he can handle the position.
  • We meet Frypan, who is the remarkably hairy kid who cooks all the food. Thomas decides to start watching for black hairs in his meals (so gross).
  • After breakfast, a bunch of boys are gathered by the West Door talking excitedly as they see Alby and Minho off to examine the dead Griever. Chuck comes up with a good question: If the Griever is dead, who killed it?