Exploration Quotes in The Maze Runner

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Better get as much of the Maze run as we can. With our new decorated sky, maybe other weird things have happened out there. We'll tell Newt and Alby about this tonight. Don't know how it helps, but at least we know now where the shuck Grievers go." […] Thomas sat and stared, waiting for Minho to make a move. Several minutes passed in silence and Thomas realized his friend must be as fascinated as he was." (35.35)

In all this staring, neither of them realized that it was the exit they'd been searching for?

Quote #8

"Time to stay out there and see if anything opens up when the walls move. If they still move." […] Although it scared him to death, exploring the Maze—really exploring it—was something he'd wanted to do from the first time he'd learned about it. (38.11, 14)

'Nuff said. (Drops mic, walks away)

Quote #9

"That's bullcrap, Thomas! Of all days, this might be the most important to get out there. Something might've changed, something might've opened up. In fact, with the freaking walls not closing anymore, I think we should try your idea, stay out there overnight and do some deeper exploring." (43.18)

For once, Thomas has to be talked into exploring, instead of helping to decipher the code. But can you blame him?