Exploration Quotes in The Maze Runner

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Runner, he thought as he went on break. Just let me be a Runner. Once again he thought about how absurd it was that he wanted it so badly. But even though he didn't understand it, or where it came from, the desire was undeniable. (16.18)

"His urge to explore was stronger than his urge to live…" would've been a perfect tagline for the movie. Do you think this was his natural motivation, or an urge that was planted by the Creators?

Quote #5

It shocked him when he realized he'd been running for almost an hour—the shadows of the walls ran long toward the east, and soon the sun would set for the night and the Doors would close. He had to get back. It only peripherally hit him then that without thinking he'd recognized the direction and the time. That his instincts were strong. (29.2)

Yeah, yeah, Thomas, we get it—you were destined to be a Runner. Explore away.

Quote #6

"We always have at least eight Runners, including the Keeper. One for each Section. It takes us a whole day to map out our area—hoping against hope there's an exit—then we come back and draw it up, a separate page for each day." Minho glanced over at one of the trunks. "That's why those things are shuck full of Maps." (32.49)

It's actually kind of amazing that there are eight kids there who want to explore as much as Thomas does. It must be a pretty strong urge to choose Running over peacefully playing in the gardens all day.