The Maze Runner Chapter 26 Quotes

The Maze Runner Chapter 26 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 1

Thomas quickly gathered his thoughts, grasping for the right words inside the swirling cloud of frustration, confusion and anger in his mind. "I don't know why Gally hates me. I don't care. He seems psychotic to me. As for who I really am, you all know just as much as I do." (26.18)

It must really stink not knowing who you are. If Thomas knew, he could just write Gally off as one of the haters (haters gonna hate, after all), but because he has no idea he can't even say Gally is wrong. It's really hard to be self-assured when you don't have a great sense of self.

Newt > Thomas

Quote 2

"Here's my recommendation," Newt said. "You broke our bloody Number One Rule, so you get one day in the Slammer. That's your punishment. I also recommend we elect you as a Runner, effective the second this meeting's over." (26.26)

Well at least he got his due process. But Alby specifically said earlier that if you break that rule you get "banished, no questions" (9.11), so things have definitely changed in the Glade.