Alby Quotes


Quote 10

Alby's eyes narrowed; his mouth pulled into a tight grin that didn't look like it had anything to do with humor. "If anybody touches this girl," Alby said, "you're gonna spend the night sleepin' with the Grievers in the Maze. Banished, no questions." (9.11)

Alby seems to be pretty fond of banishment as a deterrent. He's equally fond of seeing things as right vs. wrong, black vs. white.

Alby > Ben

Quote 11

Alby spoke in a loud, almost ceremonious voice, looking at no one and everyone at the same time. "Ben of the Builders, you've been sentenced to Banishment for the attempted murder of Thomas the Newbie. The Keepers have spoken, and their word ain't changing. And you ain't coming back. Ever." (14.6)

What if he found a way to survive like Thomas does? Would they let him back in? Also, some consideration should have been given to the fact that he was still pretty loopy from going through the Changing.

Alby > Ben

Quote 12

"Someone stop them! Help me! Please!" He glanced from boy to boy, begging with his eyes. […] "If we let shanks like you get away with that stuff," Alby said, "we never would've survived this long. Keepers, get ready." (14.13)

Sure, being consistent with your rules is really important when MacGuyvering a government together using a shoestring, some scotch tape, and a slide whistle, but couldn't exceptions ever be made?