Alby Quotes


Quote 7

Thomas was in no mood for whining—they had to do something. "Well, we'd be no better off in the Homestead. Hate to say it, but if one of us dies, that's better than all of us." […] "Maybe I should…" […] Alby took off running—he headed straight for the pack of Grievers between him and the Cliff. […] Alby had already made it to the monsters and jumped on top of one. Newt moved away from Thomas's side and toward Alby—but five or six Grievers had already burst to life and attacked the boy in a blur of metal and skin. (55.33-6)

Poor, cranky Alby. At least his sacrifice was worth it, though—by distracting the Grievers the kids were able to escape the Glade. However, the question that keeps coming up with these sacrifices is: was there another way this could have been accomplished?

Alby > Thomas

Quote 8

"Two years we've tried to solve this thing, no luck. Shuckin' walls move out there at night just as much as these here doors. Mappin' it out ain't easy, ain't easy nohow." (7.20)

Ever realize Alby talks like the gatekeeper from the Wizard of Oz?

Alby > Thomas

Quote 9

"You think I sent Newt to ya before the wake-up just for kicks? Freak, that's the Number One Rule, the only one you'll never be forgiven for breaking. Ain't nobody—nobody—allowed in the Maze except the Runners. Break that rule, and if you ain't killed by the Grievers, we'll kill you ourselves, you get me?" (7.24)

This line has huge importance later on, because Thomas does break that rule, to save Alby. And yet, no one kills him for it…