The Martian Chapter 26 Quotes

The Martian Chapter 26 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 4

Controllers cheered, hugged, and cried. The same scene played out all over the world, in parks, bars, civic centers, living rooms, classrooms, and offices. (26.402)

And then the credits roll. Hopefully, these people walk away from the experience with a greater appreciation for their friends and family. Maybe they'll even have made a few new friends along the way. Heck, this could even be the start of a spicy new relationship between two NASA scientists. We can dream, can't we?

Mark Watney

Quote 5

I think about the sheer number of people who pulled together [...] and I can barely comprehend it. My crewmates sacrificed a year of their lives to come back for me. (26.422)

That's powerful. Mark's disappearance actually created a community, bringing together disparate people from disparate backgrounds for one goal—to bring one dorky botanist back home. Most of these people didn't even know him; they probably hadn't even heard his name before. We're getting choked up just thinking about it.