The Lost Weekend Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Lost Weekend.

Quote #7

HELEN: Because I've got a rival? Because you're in love with this? [Motions to drink.] You don't know me. I'm going to fight and fight and fight.

We love Helen, but she can be a little naïve at times. After all, you can "fight" all you want, but that doesn't mean you're going to win the battle, if you catch our drift. In fact, if we were being uncharitable, we'd say that the fact that Don needs to be fixed is half of the reason why Helen is so attracted to him.

Quote #8

DON: She knows she's clutching a razor blade, but she won't let go. Three years of it.

For his part, Don has no illusions—he knows that Helen would be better off without him. This realization causes him a great deal of shame and end up contributing to his addiction.

Quote #9

HELEN: Stop talking about him as if he were dead.

LANDLADY: Best thing for you if he was.

Those are some harsh words, Ms. Landlady, but we're not sure if we can disagree. We doubt Helen could honestly disagree either, which is why she leaves the apartment so awkwardly after this exchange.