The Lost Weekend Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Lost Weekend.

Quote #4

DON: Love is the hardest thing in the world to write about. It's so simple—you've got to catch it through details

Don then proceeds to give us a litany of small details that describe his feelings for Helen, which shows that he does indeed love her. So why does he treat her so badly? If you're asking us, we'd pin the blame on Don's shame regarding his addiction.

Quote #5

DON: He thinks he's cured. If he could only get a job, they'd be married and that's that.

In our opinion, Don falls off the wagon because he places too much emphasis on his relationship with Helen. She can help him a great deal, true, but she's not a cure-all for everything that ails him.

Quote #6

HELEN: Is that Don's bottle? [...]

WICK: You might as well hear the family scandal. I drink. Don thinks I drink too much.

Although we've been talking about Helen and Don for the most part, we'd be remiss if we didn't mention the love between the Birnam bros. Unfortunately, Wick's overprotective tendencies sometimes causes more harm than good.