The King's Speech Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The King's Speech.

Quote #7

COSMO LANG: But members of your family will be seated there, Sir.

Archbishop Cosmo Lang is astounded when Bertie asks to have a commoner like Logue seated in his family's special box for his coronation ceremony. But doing this shows us that Bertie has come to think of Logue as family, which is a massive step forward from the beginning of this movie.

Quote #8

ELIZABETH (DAUGHTER): Now Papa, tell a story!
BERTIE: Could I be a penguin instead?

Bertie feels safe around his family, but he still tries to avoid telling stories whenever he has the chance. Even around his children, he's afraid of stuttering and ruining his story.

Quote #9

BERTIE: A short-tailed Albatross. With wings big enough to wrap around both his precious girls together.

Deep down, there is nothing that brings Bertie more joy than his family. In fact, he often wishes he could spend all his time with them instead of having to go around acting like a king and giving speeches.