The King's Speech Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The King's Speech.

Quote #4

GEORGE V: When I'm dead that boy will ruin himself, this family, and this nation, within twelve months.

King George V is terrified that his eldest son David will destroy the Royal Family as soon as he (George) dies. This is a big problem because family tradition dictates that David has to take the throne even if George prefers Bertie.

Quote #5

BERTIE: Nannies. Not my first nanny, though… she loved David, hated me. When I was presented to my parents for the daily viewing, she'd...

Bertie was raised by nannies instead of his mother and father. And it sounds like his first nanny did a real number on him, starving him and pinching him. This poor treatment as a child might have something to do with the stutter Bertie developed around four or five years old.

Quote #6

BERTIE: Sweet boy. Epilepsy. And he was "different." Died at thirteen, hidden from view. Too embarrassing for the family. I've been told it's not catching.

Along with his poor treatment from his nanny, Bertie was no doubt deeply affected by the death of his brother at age thirteen from epilepsy. He's scared that he might die from the same thing some day, and this stress no doubt contributes to his nervous stuttering.