Friendship Quotes in The Kill Order

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

It had only taken ten minutes of her being missing for the most sinking feeling of helplessness to hit him. (28.1)

Mark and Trina's friendship is so strong that Mark feels helpless after Trina's been missing for ten minutes. Yeesh. Talk about separation anxiety.

Quote #8

"It doesn't mean you… have it. Humans do crazy things to survive. Have you not spent the last year seeing that every day?" (45.42)

Friends cheer other friends, up. It's what they do. Even when it has to do with a brain-eating disease that's most likely taken root in your friend's head.

Quote #9

"You know… what to do… when I'm done," he said to Alec, words a struggle now. (67.13)

The final act of friendship between Alec and Mark: Alec has to kill everyone to save them from suffering from the Flare. Ouch.