Friendship Quotes in The Kill Order

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

But mostly he can tell that she sees them as lifelong buds, nothing more. That the thought of kissing in his basement is just plain silly. (8.18)

Aww, rejection-city. Deal with it Marky-boy.

Quote #5

Everything in him wanted to do the opposite of what she'd just ordered. He wanted to help his friend. (13.2)

Mark's instinct to save Misty goes against the reality of the situation—by saving her, he'd be dooming himself. He's powerless to help his friend, which is utterly devastating.

Quote #6

Their lives were as linked together as the rocks and earth of the mountain they'd just slept upon. (15.2)

This quote is talking about Alec and Mark; they might not be anything alike, but they save each other time after time, and they're like father and son by the end of the book.