Lies and Deceit Quotes in The Interestings

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"What does it mean that I needed to tell you?" He smiled happily. "It means something big!" (11.127-128)

Here the logic seems to be that if lies and secrets can damage a new relationship, then sharing these things can also solidify one.

Quote #8

"We live on a farm in Dovecote, Vermont, with a bunch of our friends. We've got some animals up there. It's a pretty amazing setup." (12.92)

Though things are certainly kind of wonky with the Moonies, at the same time, they really do seem to believe in the lives they're leading. So even if they're wrong about things, this seems different than flat-out lying. But feel free to disagree.

Quote #9

"You love her," Jonah said to Ethan indiscreetly. […] "Yes, of course," Ethan said in a curt voice. "She's my old friend." (12.141-142)

Is seems okay for Ethan to lie about this right here. He is, after all, standing right in front of Ash. Besides, doesn't it seem like everyone has agreed to lie to themselves about this? Go team.