Lies and Deceit Quotes in The Interestings

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Cathy's words had been disturbing, even shocking, but the firm, unified belief of the Wolf family carried its own, more significant weight. (8.114)

The truth: Sometimes it's real, and sometimes it's just a lie that's insisted upon until everybody falls into line.

Quote #5

"Because the thing is, we did not want Ash telling anyone. Anyone. Not you. Not Ethan." (9.114)

We're not sure we believe Mama and Papa Wolf. It seems like they're lying even as they're revealing the truth about Goodman.

Quote #6

But after Ethan became so successful there was a little more latitude for Ash to be in touch with Goodman and see him sometimes when she traveled. (11.116)

Ethan's money is what makes Ash able to keep up with Goodman—what did she do before that? Hide in the closet and make international calls?