Admiration Quotes in The Hundred-Foot Journey

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Economists have had their own explanation as to what happened during this dark period, but I like to think the universe at large was itself reacting to the news that Abbas Haji and Gertrude Mallory were no more a part of this life, but had finally been summoned to the abattoir. (13.116)

Hassan's two greatest heroes die, and he's left incredibly depressed and discouraged. Poetically, he states that everything around him—even the crash of the economy—is due to the absence of these two awesome people in his life.

Quote #8

"Paul really had affection only for you, Hassan. He once told me that you and he were 'made from the same ingredients.'" (15.45)

Paul's widow tells Hassan that her late husband had great admiration for him. He considered his friend like-minded and in possession of the same understanding of their shared art form. Paul and Hassan were never competition for each other because they had a healthy way of looking up to each other and both enjoying the same things.

Quote #9

And I tell you, as I looked out at all those good people—red-faced and stuffed with my food—I suddenly felt my father's mountainous presence at my side, beaming with pride. (19.19)

This is the biggest moment in Hassan's life. As everyone is applauding and admiring him, he imagines that his father, whom he always admired more than anybody else, is there with him. It's kind of like Hassan is admiring the memory of Papa, who is admiring him back.