Admiration Quotes in The Hundred-Foot Journey

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"No? Hmm. Not very impressive. Perhaps she is not as good as we think."

"No, Papa. She is a great chef." (12.36)

In his first few months at Le Saule Pleureur, Hassan works super hard doing lots of boring work. The thing that gets him by and makes him keep working is that he looks up to Madame Mallory as an example of what he wants to become. His respect for her inspires him to work without giving up.

Quote #5

I was very happy working alongside white-haired Marc Rossier, an elderly chef who had his own ways. […] This rewarding work at La Belle Cluny whet my appetite, and at the age of thirty I returned to Lumière to have an earnest talk with Papa. (13.9-13.11)

Hassan's admiration for his boss and enthusiasm to learn from him is what inspires him to want to open a restaurant of his own. As far as Hassan's concerned, every person is someone to learn from in order to make himself better.

Quote #6

But over the following years, Verdun and I definitely established a deep and abiding professional respect for each other, even, I would say, one of real affection. (13.83)

Hassan and Verdun's friendship is admiration to the max in both directions. What starts as a business connection turns into an inspirational friendship that benefits both men. Hassan doesn't even think to see Paul as a threat or competition, but is instead just excited to meet someone more experienced than himself.