The Home Quotes in The Help

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

 "A lot of colored womans got to give their children up, Skeeter. Send they kids off cause they got to tend to a white family." (27.187)

Skeeter finds it hard not to judge Constantine for giving up her daughter for adoption. The exact reasons behind the adoption aren't given, but it's clear Constantine did it as a last resort.

Quote #8

"They fired Leroy last night. And when Leroy ask why, his boss say Mister William Holbrook tell him to do it. Holbrook told him it's Leroy's n***** wife the reason and Leroy come home and try to kill me." (34.135)

Hilly sees to it that Minny's home becomes a very dangerous place. There really are no boundaries between "work life" and "home life" here.

Quote #9

"I ain't gone kill him, Aibileen. I promise. We gone go stay with Octavia till we find a place a out own." (34.155)

Minny decides to try to find a new home for herself and her children – one without the constant threat of violence looming over them.