The Home Quotes in The Help

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Minny had that big bruise on her arm cause that's what Leroy do when he come home from work. (14.8)

Skeeter, who doesn't always know when to stop, tries to pry into Minny's home life, which almost makes Minny drop out of the project. In the essay in the back of The Help, Stockett says that Demetrie (the person the character of Aibileen is based on) was, like Minny, physically abused by her husband (Skeeter doesn't know this about Minny at this point). Demetrie was also closed-mouthed on the subject.

Quote #5

I go on home. I don't tell Leroy what's bothering me, but I think about it all weekend long. I've been fired more times than I have fingers. I pray to god I can get my job back on Monday. (17.188)

Minny is never really, truly at home. When she's actually at her own house, she's often either worrying about something she did or said on the job, or trying to survive her husband's abuse. Maybe things will be different after she and the kids have moved out.

Quote #6

It was every day from 1941 to 1947 waiting for them beatings to be over. I wish to God I'd told John Dudley Green he ain't going to hell. That he ain't no sideshow freak cause he like boys. God I wish I'd fill his ear with good things like I'm trying to do with Mae Mobley. (22.45)

Aibileen's memory shows us that many of the so-called good southern homes are sites of hidden child abuse and terror.