Perseverance Quotes in The Glass Castle

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"For the daughter of the town drunk, you sure got big plans," he said. (3.13.30)

Other people think that Jeannette should resign herself to a life of failure, given the fact that she comes from a failure of a man. But she is determined to not be defined by her parents.

Quote #8

"I'll get a job, Jeannette." (3.16.32)

This is a rare moment of determination from Jeannette's mom. Often, it's difficult to see where Jeannette gets her perseverance from because her parents usually retreat to bed or to booze whenever even the slightest trouble arises.

Quote #9

I decided to make my own braces. (3.18.16)

Jeannette comes from a crazy family, so it's only natural that sometimes her determination borders on crazy. No normal child would make her own braces, but Jeannette shows perseverance and creativity when she does it herself.