Perseverance Quotes in The Glass Castle

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"If you don't want to sink, you better figure out how to swim." (2.16.19)

Jeannette's whole childhood can be summed up by this moment when her Dad "teaches" her to swim. How does he do this? Well, he basically keeps throwing her into water until she just figures it out. Luckily, she does. Jeannette's constantly thrown into situations that she isn't prepared for…and she constantly survives.

Quote #5

Seeing as how Welch was our new home, Brian and I figured we'd make the best of it. (3.7.1)

Having a positive attitude is a critical aspect of Jeannette's perseverance. If she didn't try to make the best of things, she would probably just give up.

Quote #6

It was so cold that the youngest, most fragile branches snapped in the frigid air, and very quickly, I started feeling it. (3.12.2)

This is a metaphorical little line. By this point, Jeannette isn't a fragile branch; she's a solid tree trunk. How has she come so far?