The Forest of Hands and Teeth Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Forest of Hands and Teeth? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What color is Gabrielle's vest?

Sparkly (yes, sparkly is a color)
Q. How did Mary get rid of the zombie baby?

She ate it.
She cut off its head.
She hucked it out a window.
She didn't. Buffy took care of it for her.
Q. What happened in the village to allow infected people to choose whether to die or become Unconsecrated?

A woman argued for the choice to be with her husband.
Sister Tabitha came to power.
A super-zombie spoke with a Guardian.
Mufasa appeared to the Sisterhood and told them they had to.
Q. How did Travis get infected (the first time, folks)?

The zombie baby bit his finger.
He injected himself with zombie venom.
He threw himself headlong into a mass of moaning zombies.
He was bitten as he monkey-swung to the platform.
Q. Who does Mary see as an Unconsecrated Death-eater in her nightmare?

Her mom
All of those and then some