The Forest of Hands and Teeth Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Forest of Hands and Teeth? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. How did Gabrielle become a super-zombie?

She was already infected when she showed up.
The Sisters isolated her and fed her to the zombies.
Mary taught her how.
She was bitten by Superman.
Q. The gates and Roman numerals mean what to Mary's posse?

There is hope for freedom.
The Forest used to be part of Italy.
The path will never end.
Q. Robert Frost wrote that "Good fences make good" what?

Q. What does Cass think of the ocean?

She can't wait to find it.
Happy thoughts
It's a big sack of stupid.
It's her biggest dream, but she doesn't think she'll ever see it.
Q. Who does Mary try to blame for the guilt she feels about those Binding Cords?

Her daddy
President Obama