The Forest of Hands and Teeth Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Forest of Hands and Teeth? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. How does Mary's mom kick the bucket?

Sister Tabitha chops off her head.
She hurls herself over a cliff.
She doesn't. She joins the Unconsecrated.
With her left foot.
Q. Why is Beth's death especially tragic?

She was pregnant.
She was Mary's BFF.
She dies on Christmas.
Because Jed didn't really care.
Q. Who takes out Sister Tabitha?

Super ninjas
Mary's dad
Q. Why does Travis choose to throw himself to the dogs (er, zombies, but whatever)?

He wants to make Mary miserable forever.
He's a demigod.
He needs some exercise.
He's already infected.
Q. How does Jed bite the dust?

Mary beheads him.
He feeds himself to the Unconsecrated.
He falls off a cliff.
Gross. Who bites dust? That's just nasty.