Sacrifice Quotes in The Forest of Hands and Teeth

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Up on that hill, when we finally kissed, I wanted you more than anything else in the world. More than the village or my brother's friendship or my betrothed." He cringes at the word as if it's bitter on his tongue.

"I still want you more than anything else in the world," he whispers. "I would still risk it all for you." (25.23-24)

True that. So what if Travis didn't come for her back in the day? He gives her everything—including her dreams—on those paths.

Quote #8

"Would you ever give up the ocean for me?"

[…] I had once hoped that, as it did for my mother, love would keep all other dreams at bay. The realization that it will not washes over me and I walk through the door, leaving him without an answer. (29.73-74)

Mary ain't willing to give up her ocean for anything or anyone, not even the man she loves. Either this is a really inspiring story about following dreams or a sad, pathetic love story.

Quote #9

"Promise me you'll go to the ocean," he says.

I shake my head. "But you said—"

"Forget what I said. Promise me you will taste the salt for me." (32.31-33)

True colors. Even after Mary cuts Travis loose and basically tells him he's not worth the ocean to her, he stays true to her. Since he can't have all of Mary's heart, he gives her the only gift her heart desires—freedom to find her ocean.