Sacrifice Quotes in The Forest of Hands and Teeth

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

As expected, extreme and complete isolation was the cause of her immense strength and speed. God help us all, we will send her to the Forest to see how long she lasts, to better understand her. It is through her sacrifice that we grow stronger. It is through His glory that we survive. (12.8)

Does this mean that Gabrielle had already turned before they sent her to the Forest, or did Sister Tabitha write all this after she'd sacrificed her to the flesh-eaters? Did Sister Tabitha know Gabby was the type that would make a super-zombie? Maybe her words are just trying to make herself feel better for the mistake she made, but in the end, super-zombie Gabby certainly didn't make the village any stronger. Nope—she destroyed it.

Quote #5

"Going down that path would kill us all, Mary," Cass says. "You're selfish to want to sacrifice all of us for your own selfish whims." (16.44)

Perhaps Cass is right. After all, if anyone else did survive in the village, it seems like that would be the safest place to go. Or would it? Maybe Cass is just so stuck on what she knows that she can't think straight about what would truly be best for the group.

Quote #6

Cass collapses, pulling Jacob to her and offering him the last of her rations—the food that she herself has not been eating but saving for him. (21.27)

Sweet Cassy-poo… She loses her man, her pseudo-man, and her best friend, but she still refuses to be selfish and she'll give up everything she's got to save little Jacob. That there's some true heroism, like it or not.