Freedom / Confinement Quotes in The Forest of Hands and Teeth

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I realize that I've been so angry at Harry for my own fate, as if he has been my enemy and not the friend I have always known. I can see now that his life is as constricted as mine. (13.34)

Check it out—Mary actually shows compassion for someone other than herself for once. Sure, she's miserable with Harry, but think about his situation: He's been in love with the Marymeister his entire life, and when the time finally comes to tie the knot (figuratively and literally), she up and falls in love with his little brother. How's that for a major bummer?

Quote #8

I realize I am standing on the path that she traveled to our village and it's now she who is trapped on the other side of the gate. (15.32)

Sigh—the tragic irony of poor Gabrielle's life. She flees her zombie-infested village and finds a zombie-free place, only to be fed back to the zombies she worked so hard to escape. It's only fitting that she is the one who takes out Sister Tabitha. She's a survivor, after all.

Quote #9

I tug at the knots of the Binding rope on my wrist, twisting them, fraying the ends, trying to loosen them. But they hold tight. (16.51)

The Binding Ropes confine Mary even when they're cut and shredded. Do you think this is because she didn't have the strength to say no to Harry, or because Travis didn't have the strength to say yes to her? In either case, Mary can't change her choices or what might have been, and she'll be trapped with that knowledge forever.