Freedom / Confinement Quotes in The Forest of Hands and Teeth

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

My world feels so small now, the four walls of my room the only place I am allowed unsupervised. I miss standing on the hill, wind slipping past me, and staring at the horizon wondering what, if anything, is past the Forest. Some nights, as sleep pushes in around me, my mind wanders along the fence line, to the gate guarding the forbidden path. But even in my dreams I do not step through it. (4.35)

Mary craves absolute freedom. So much so, in fact, that she'll wish, hope, and dream about it. But when it comes right down to it, she's just as scared as anyone else to try it out.

Quote #5

Nothing can contain us any longer. Not when word of the Outsider gets out. And I will be the first through the gate. I will be the one to lead us to the ocean. To the place untouched by the Unconsecrated. (7.57)

Seeing Gabrielle lights a fire in Mary's britches. If someone else made it to their town, then that means she can make it out of there herself. This little sliver of knowledge punctures Mary's fear of breaking down the traditions she's followed all her life.

Quote #6

With each twist, each tether, each word, I feel myself falling farther from Travis and I must bite my lip to keep from weeping. (13.10)

The Binding Ropes do more than confine Mary to a life with Harry—they yank her from a life with Travis. Should she have broken them? Is Travis at fault because he didn't come for her, or is she the guilty one for refusing to stop the ceremony herself?