Fear Quotes in The Forest of Hands and Teeth

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

[Argos's] nails scrabble and slide uselessly on the wood and I can sense his rising panic. He lifts his head as if to howl, his teeth bared, his eyes pleading for me to do something. (14.10)

Argos is completely terrified. And what do people (and dogs, in this case) do when they're terrified? That's right, seek comfort. The trouble is that no one can give him the comfort he desires. Why? Well, the entire village has been stormed by zombies. Not much comfort in that.

Quote #8

"What?" Cass yells. Her voice has a note of hysteria in it and she steps around Harry to see for herself. She begins to bang against the section of fence that ends the path, and she reminds me of the Unconsecrated, always wanting what is on the other side. (19.1)

Fear can make people do crazy things. Ever read Lord of the Flies? We rest our case. In Cass's situation, her fear of death doesn't cause her to spear an innocent kid on a beach (shudder), but it does cause her to act like those she fears the most. All Cass wants is safety and normalcy, but that's not likely to happen in a forest full of walking dead. Poor girl.

Quote #9

"When they come to our village, who will know about me?"

"I know about you, Mary." He places his hand on my cheek, trails one finger along my jaw, and I'm forced to close my eyes so that he doesn't read in my expression the words that ring in my head but that I can't say aloud. That it is not enough.

That I am terrified he is not enough. (23.58-60)

Mary may act like she's all that and a bag of chips, but she's one scared chica underneath. She's scared that she'll be forgotten by society, and in her mind being forgotten is like someone taking an eraser to her entire existence. But that's not all, folks—she's also upset that Travis remembering her just won't cut it. What do you think is enough for Mary? Will she ever find the answers to her fears, even if she makes it out to the ocean?