Fear Quotes in The Forest of Hands and Teeth

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Instinctively I jump up and then crouch, my hands out in front of me. Ready to defend myself. I spin left and right, my surroundings passing in a blur. Frantically I turn back toward the hole I climbed out of, back to the safety of the underground tunnel, but Sister Tabitha is blocking my way. (4.16)

This is the story of Mary's life for a while after her mom becomes a zombie. No matter what Mary wants, Sister Tabitha stands in her way. Let's think of some more examples, shall we? Mary wants Travis, Sister T says no way; Mary wants to meet Gabby, Sister T says absolutely not; Mary wants freedom, Sister T says not happening. Sensing a pattern here?

Quote #5

A spark of alarm sets fire inside me. Her words echoing loudly in my head, that I will be the end. It's like a puzzle piece clicking into place, a sudden understanding of why Sister Tabitha has been keeping me so close, why she doesn't even allow me to leave the Cathedral. (8.22)

Mary realizes that Sister Tabitha ain't so fearless herself. She's terrified that Mary's rebellion will topple the village order and cause Sister T's own downfall. Sounds selfish and power-hungry, right? Take a look at it from Sister T's perspective: If the village order collapses, then the slight hold they have on the zombies also collapses. In her mind, it's either Sister Tabitha or flesh-eating chaos, which makes it pretty ironic that ultimately Sister Tabitha's decision causes the downfall of the community.

Quote #6

I squeeze my eyes and nod my head. Terrified that he'll cast me out for such a desire—that he'll refuse me and I will be left to the Sisters. (13.45)

Mary's one confused chica. On the one hand, she tries to psych herself up to leave the village and break all the rules, but on the other hand, she's terrified of Harry's rejection. If she's willing to break all sorts of rules, who cares if he rejects her? Truth is, Mary's like a middle-school girl who hauls her friends to the bathroom with her for fear of going alone. She wants to break the rules, but she's not brave enough to do it by herself.