Lies and Trust Quotes in The Death Cure

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Thomas decided to trust Gally. Maybe they'd never like each other, but they had the same enemy, which put them on the same team. (26.4)

Gally's Thomas's mortal enemy, but after Thomas learns what WICKED did to Gally, it becomes easier for him to see Gally's pain. For Thomas to eventually trust Gally is risky, but again, the chances he takes in this book are all a risk-reward kind of deal, and most of them pay off.

Quote #8

He searched Teresa's face and saw a pain unlike any he'd ever seen before. She was telling the truth. (44.19)

Trust is something you can often see in someone's physical expressions. Thomas knows that Teresa is telling the truth when he sees her genuine pain.

Quote #9

"And I promise that we're the good guys. I don't know what the Right Arm has planned, but I do know that part of it includes getting all of us out of Denver." (47.4)

Come on, the Right Arm can be seen to be just as bad as WICKED. "Good guys" don't really exist in a book like this, so promising to be a good guy is just a flat-out lie.