Lies and Trust Quotes in The Death Cure

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Thomas knew that no matter how sincere Rat Man sounded, it had to be a trick. Everything was a trick. (5.9)

You can sound as sincere as you want, but that doesn't mean you're telling the truth. (It just means that you sound truthy.) Rat Man Janson is a master of lying, so Thomas is being a smart feller here for being apprehensive.

Quote #5

"Don't trust them. Do not trust them. Only me and Chancellor Paige, Thomas. Ever. No one else." (7.29)

Brenda warns Thomas about how dangerous basically everyone is, but really, how does Thomas know to trust her about this? Thomas takes gambles when he puts his trust into certain people; luckily, Brenda is a good person to trust.

Quote #6

"I was acting. Jorge and I are immune—we've known it for a long time." (11.43)

Despite Brenda being on Thomas's side, she's still a liar. Gah, everyone's a liar. Are some of these liars better people than others? Why or why not?