Memory and the Past Quotes in The Danish Girl

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Do you think of Einar when you are Lili?" Dr. McBride asked.

"Not at all."

"But you think of Lili when you are Einar?"

"Yes." (17.47-17.50)

Exploring this duality more, why is Einar's memory like a one-way street? Once he goes down Lili Avenue, he can't go back.

Quote #5

"Most of the time I just think her thoughts," he said. (17.51)

It is interesting that Lili and Einar have different thoughts even though they are the same person. What makes Lili's thoughts different than Einar's thoughts?

Quote #6

Einar had been an artist, and she wondered if that feeling, the tight flutter just beneath the ribs, was what he experienced as the slick tip of his brush moved into the rough blank expanse of a new canvas. (20.115)

Again, we see Lili looking back at Einar's memories as if they belonged to a different person. Shouldn't Lili know how Einar felt at that time—you know, since she was Einar then?