Mortality Quotes in The Corrections

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

There he'd been, in extremely cold salty water, his lungs half-full and his heavy legs cramping and his shoulder useless in its socket, and all he would have had to do was nothing. Let go and drown. But he kicked, it was a reflex. (6.26)

Alfred saves his own life, despite the fact that part of him wants to die. In a way, this can be seen as a turning point for him—though it may be short-lived.

Quote #8

There came a time, however, when death ceased to be the enforcer of finitude and began to look, instead, like the last opportunity for radical transformation, the only plausible portal into the infinite. (6.33)

Alfred has spent his life waiting for a correction; now, at the end of his rope, he finally realizes that there isn't one coming.

Quote #9

With a towel around his waist he stopped in the living room, where Alfred leaped to his feet. The sight of Alfred's suddenly aged face, its disintegration-in-progress, its redness and asymmetries, cut Chip like a bullwhip. (6.1024)

Alfred has always been a god (or a devil) in Chip's eyes, but the truth is that he's just a mere mortal like the rest of us.