Mortality Quotes in The Corrections

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Death, Enid thought. He was talking about death. And all the people clapping were so old. But where was the sting of this realization? Aslan had taken it away. (4.987-988)

The shame-reducing power of Aslan is powerful, but the real question is: Do you really think that's a good thing?

Quote #5

For years he'd lived with death and kept it in its place by making it trivial. He still managed a reasonably wicked laugh, but in the end the struggle to hold fast to the trivial proved as desperate as any other. (5.295)

This is a much more admirable way of dealing with that. That being said, everyone's struggle with death ends the same way.

Quote #6

The quiet conviction that all his thrift and all his conservator's passion would have a point, later on: that someday he would wake up transformed into a wholly different person with infinite energy and infinite time to attend to all the objects that he'd saved, to keep it all working, to keep it all together. (6.22)

Be honest: We all think this way sometime. While it's good to take care of yourself, you should never fool yourself into thinking that you're the exception to the rule.