How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
How many women are there actually, dear friend—and you yourself know—who because of their husbands' harshness spend their weary lives in the bond of marriage in greater suffering than if they were slaves among the Saracens? (2.13.1)
Men like to criticize marriage, but the truth is that marriage was probably harder on women in de Pizan's time than it was on men. After all, if a woman got stuck with an abusive husband, there was usually not much she could do about it.
Quote #5
But let me hasten to assure you that not all marriages are conducted with such spite, for there are those who live together in great peacefulness, love, and loyalty, because the partners are virtuous, considerate, and reasonable. (2.13.1)
For Christine de Pizan, marriage is capable of being a beautiful thing if both partners involved are good people. Marriage doesn't guarantee loyalty from someone who's not loyal. But it also doesn't guarantee that everything's going to be bad, either.
Quote #6
How many good women there are who are so conscientious in caring for their husbands, healthy or sick, with a loyal love as though their husbands were gods! (2.13.2)
Christine de Pizan is quick to point out that most women of her generation treat their husbands like gods, even though these husbands might not deserve this kind of respect and admiration. So much for saying that marriage favors women more than men.