How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
And let us suppose that all sons were good, nevertheless one usually sees the daughters keep their fathers and mothers company more often than the sons, and the daughters visit them more, comfort them more, and take care of them in sickness and old age more frequently. (1.7.1)
For Christine de Pizan, women are probably even more loyal than men in the long run. After all, it always tends to be women who spend a lot of time with their parents once the parents get old. The dudes just run off to start their own lives and never look back.
Quote #2
For this reason, in order to escape and avoid such inconveniences, many authorities have advised wise men not to marry, affirming that no women—or very few—are loyal to their mates. (2.3.1)
Some people in Christine de Pizan's time warned men against marrying because they thought women could never be loyal within the bonds of marriage. This is crazy dumb. It's also probably hypocritical; tons of men in de Pizan's time had mistresses and frequented brothels.
Quote #3
She was quite ugly, for she had an extra row of teeth—a monstrosity—but she was so well loved by her father that she never left his side, whether in prosperity or in misfortune. (2.8.1)
The woman in this story has freaky shark teeth, but she's more loyal than any man you'll ever find. She even sticks with her dad when the guy's whole life goes to ruins.