Inertia Quotes in The Art of Fielding

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"What happened to KISS ME, I'M IRISH?" [Affenlight] asked, taking care to sound nonchalant. (38.8)

Once Guert Affenlight gets hold of Owen, he doesn't want anything to change, not even the mugs they use to drink their post-coital coffee from. Why is this? Is it because Affenlight knows that he isn't getting any younger?`

Quote #8

"I show up, we read and make small talk, we suck each other off, we smoke a cigarette, I leave. […] It's like a gay porn Groundhog Day." (40.41)

Owen, on the other hand, wants something to change. He's young enough to crave change. Although, maybe age has nothing to do with it. Henry is Owen's age, and he's no fan of change.

Quote #9

All [Henry had] ever wanted was for nothing to ever change. (54.12)

See what we mean? This quote goes beyond baseball to everything. Henry wants his life to always remain the same. Is that a realistic goal? What is Henry doing to achieve that, and will he succeed?