Inertia Quotes in The Art of Fielding

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Baseball—what a boring game! One player threw the ball, another caught it, a third held a bat. Everyone else stood around. (8.10)

Baseball is a slow game and the MLB knows it. In real-life, they tested out rules in 2014 to make the game faster.

Quote #5

"As long as he's at Westish, as long as he's a mess, then you're still running the show." (34.60)

Pella thinks that Mike wants Henry to remain the same. That whole jealousy issue of Mike's wouldn't be a problem if Henry stayed a failure, dependent on him.

Quote #6

"I'm fine," Henry said. Which was part of the problem: Henry always said he was fine. (36.9)

Some people might see this as a sign of calmness in Henry, but he's just so darn fine (and not in an attractive way) he comes across as an emotional flatline.