Violence Quotes in Stormbreaker

How we cite our quotes: Chapter.Paragraph

Quote #7

"Which means that you're not the saint everyone thinks you are, Mr. Sayle. A mass murderer. A bliddy psycho, I suppose you might say." (13.22)

Although Sayle doesn't see himself as a bad guy, Alex can see right through his phony rationalizations. There is, simply put, no justification for this kind of violence.

Quote #8

"But soon you will get tired, Alex. You will drown. […] The pain, I think, will be beyond the imagination of a child." (14.23)

Like Mr. Grin, Nadia Vole enjoys violence a bit too much. But while Mr. Grin acts as the silent killer, Vole seems almost giddy at the mere thought.

Quote #9

But Alex knew he couldn't do it. Whatever Alan Blunt and MI6 wanted to turn him into, he wasn't ready to shoot in cold blood. (15.3)

Although Alex is willing to defend himself, he has no desire to kill anyone. This sets him apart from every other character in the novel—in a good way.