Fear Quotes in Stormbreaker

How we cite our quotes: Chapter.Paragraph

Quote #4

He was tough and he was fast—completing a thirt0ile hike as if it were just a stroll in a park. But he had a weak spot. Somehow he'd allowed this parachute jump to get to him. (6.30)

This teaches Alex an important lesson. It doesn't matter how tough you are, how strong you are, or how confident you are—everyone has something that makes them tremble.

Quote #5

Alex had almost managed to persuade himself that this whole business was […] a game. But looking at the cold face [...], he felt something stirring inside him and he knew it was fear. (6.73)

Alex has managed to control his fear so far, but the sight of Yassen Gregorovich reminds him that he has plenty to be afraid of.

Quote #6

Not for the first time, Alex felt very small and very young. Whatever was going on here, he knew he was way out of his depth. (9.86)

Maybe Alex would be less afraid if he was a seasoned superspy, like his uncle Ian, but who knows? Maybe Ian was scared out of his brains the whole time, too.