Star Trek: The Motion Picture Technology and Modernization Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Star Trek: The Motion Picture.

Quote #7

ILIA: The Creator has not answered. The carbon-unit infestation is to be removed from the Creator's planet.

KIRK: Why?

ILIA: You infest Enterprise. You interfere with the Creator in the same manner.

In its quest to complete its mission, V'Ger makes a big assumption: the Creator must be like V'Ger. It must be a machine. This, as Kirk & Co. learn in a few moments, is patently false: humanity is its creator. Based on that, this passage takes on a decidedly ironic bent.

Quote #8

KIRK: Voyager series—designed to collect data and transmit it back to Earth.

DECKER: Voyager VI disappeared into what they used to call a black hole.

And then boom—all of the puzzle pieces fall into place. Although there were only two Voyager probes launched in real life, these unmanned crafts are indeed still exploring the depths of the universe. Placed in that context, V'Ger's desire to reunite with the Creator becomes almost...beautiful.

Quote #9

SPOCK: The machine inhabitants found it to be one of their own kind, primitive yet kindred. They discovered its simple twentieth-century programming.

Here, we flesh out V'Ger's story, learning that its "homeworld" is in fact its second home. Think of it as college: a place of immense personal growth spurred on by likeminded peers. Also: robo-kegstands. We're pretty sure that's part of Star Trek canon.